Welcome to St. Andrew’s in the Pines Episcopal Church. We are a diverse, joyful community of God in Christ. We are people of all ages and backgrounds. We share a common faith, and we work to live that faith in our families, our community, and our lives.
Like you, each of us at St. Andrew’s is on a sacred journey of faith and life. No two of us are at the same point in that journey, but we trust that God is present with us wherever we are. We also believe that there’s more to discover. We hope you will share that experience with us. We welcome you!
The St. Andrew’s FAQ
Our services last about an hour. All services include Scripture readings, a sermon (about 15 minutes), and Holy Communion (also known as Holy Eucharist). Our 10am service includes music; our 8am service is a quieter, spoken Eucharist.
Who may take communion?
The Holy Table around which we gather belongs to God, not to us. Everyone is welcome to partake of bread and wine at Christ’s table. No exceptions. You do not have to be a member of our church, or any church, or even baptized, to take communion. You may join us at the altar for communion, come to the altar for a blessing, or remain in your pew during communion.
What do I wear?
You may wear whatever you want. Some people wear dresses or suits and ties, but many more arrive “business casual,” and still others wear jeans and t-shirts.
How many people attend?
On Sundays during the school year, about 100 people total attend our two worship services. Our larger service is at 10am; our smaller service is at 8am Sunday morning. Wednesdays. We are a diverse community whose members come from many places and backgrounds. Newcomers tell us our smaller size is appealing, because it makes it easier to get to know one another. And we will always have plenty of room for you and your family!
What do my Kids do?
St. Andrew’s, welcomes and enjoys children—especially during our worship services. There are busy bags to occupy small hands and a comfy space at the back for toddlers who need more freedom. Church school meets in the church basement following the Sunday 10am service, giving the adults an opportunity for fellowship or their own meetings and activities.
Will I be asked to give money?
We provide an offering plate during our services for our members and regular attendees to place their offerings. If you are a visitor or guest, please do not feel obligated to give.
How do I Get to Andrew’s?
Click here for directions and a map. St. Andrew’s has ample parking. Please call 770-487-8415 if you need any help finding our church. Office hours are 9am to 1pm Monday through Friday.
Do you have coffee?
Yes! On Sunday mornings, we have free coffee and snacks in the Parish Hall across the patio from the church after the 10am service. This is a great time to meet new people and learn more about St. Andrew’s.
Anything else?
Please contact us with any other questions you may have. We would love to hear from you.