
The acolyte ministry at St. Andrew’s is a very important aspect of our worship. Acolytes assist during the worship service, carrying the cross, torches, and serving the altar. Acolyte training takes place at various intervals throughout the year. An acolyte’s duties within the worship service change in accordance with age, experience, and maturity.  Children may begin acolyting at age eight and may continue to acolyte as an adult.  Acolyting is a very rewarding experience and a vital ministry at St. Andrew’s.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild attends to the altar by polishing the silver, filling the candles with oil, laundering the linens, filling the cruets with wine and water, putting wafers in the bread box, and making sure the table is ready to be set for our worship services.  At present we have three teams of four members each. Our goal is to have four teams, so that each team only has to serve once a month. A typical week for a team is for the whole team to meet on a Saturday to any “housekeeping” chores and then set up for the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services. Each team decides among themselves how they will divide up the remainder of the week’s services and duties.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay Eucharistic Ministers serve on this ministry once granted by a license from the Bishop of the Diocese of Atlanta at the request of the parish rector. It is expected that Lay Eucharistic Ministers set examples of service and dedication for others to follow. To serve as a LEM assumes that one is prepared to accept a number of obligations as an integral part of this ministry: to be a regular and faithful participant at worship; to be willing to serve at any of the Sunday celebrations of the Eucharist; to be willing, if possible, to serve at daily celebrations of the Eucharist and at special services, including weddings, funerals, and other services held at times other than on Sunday. LEMs also serve as Lectors and Prayer Intercessors, reading the Old Testament, Psalm and New Testament lessons appointed for the day and reciting the Prayers of the People.

Ministry Leader: Katie Bradshaw

Lay Eucharistic Visitors

Lay Eucharistic Visitors are trained by the clergy of St. Andrew’s and licensed by our Bishop to administer the consecrated bread and wine to those who are unable to come to church. Some Lay Eucharistic Visitors visit parishioners in their homes, while others visit those in the hospital or assisted living facilities. All Lay Eucharistic Visitors are sent out from one of our Sunday morning liturgies with these words: “In the name of this congregation, we send you out bearing these holy gifts, that those to whom you go may share with us in the communion of Christ’s Body and Blood. We who are many, are one body because we all share one bread, one cup. Amen.” 

Flower Guild

The members of St. Andrew’s in the Pines Flower Guild offer a wide range of talents and abilities, but all share a love of flowers and a love of the church. They create arrangements to the glory of God for weekly services and for the holidays. Men and women with an interest in floral design are encouraged to join.  The Flower Guild offers training and guidance, so no experience is required to join.

Ministry Leader: Jane Keegan

Parish Choir

The Parish Choir at St. Andrew’s offers an opportunity  to make a joyful noise during our worship, offering their gift weekly under the direction of our choirmaster.  The choir practices weekly meeting on Wednesday nights following the parish supper.  As a member of the choir, you will learn the hymns of the church and be exposed to some of the beautiful compositions intended to honor our Lord.  If you like to sing or have ever thought of joining the choir please consider offering your voice to this ministry.

Ministry Leader: Ben Gessner, Organist and Choirmaster


Who might consider being an usher? This ministry provides some personal interaction with everyone who attends the service. We greet our fellow parishioners and our visitors at the sanctuary doors and welcome them to join us in worship. Ushers assist in gathering the offering and presenting it to the celebrant. Attendees of the service are directed by the ushers to receive communion or a blessing at the altar. The usher ministry provides one a way of feeling part of the service. Comprising men and women of all ages, usher teams rotate through a regular schedule, not serving more than one Sunday per month.


A Verger assists the clergy in the conduct of public worship. The Verger serves as the Minister of Ceremonies for liturgies – organizing processions, making sure people get where they need to be, and generally helping to insure that services are smoothly run with minimal distractions for the congregation. The Office of Verger dates back to the Middle Ages when the Verger was the “Protector of the Procession.” He led the procession into the church or cathedral, clearing the way for the procession and protecting it from vagabonds and animals that tried to attack it.

Today, in many parishes and cathedrals you will see a Verger ceremonially leading the Procession. The Verger wears a gown and carries a Virge (staff of office) to help clear the way, and point the way for the procession. Both men and women are encouraged to join this ministry.

Ministry Leader: Jennifer Reefe